Monday, October 27, 2008

Brian Whitcomb, President PGA of America

For the past two years Brian Whitcomb, PGA of Lost Tracks Golf Club in Bend Oregon, has served as President of the largest working sports organization in the world, the PGA of America.

During his tenure, one of the many goals set by Brian and the officers was to reach out to PGA Members and once again allow them a voice in their association.

On November 7th Brian will be honored at the Annual Meeting of the PGA of America in Phoenix Arizona, for his many accomplishments...

For the thousands of members that will be unable to attend we thank him for his years of service, his compassion for the association and the great game of golf and for the sense of purpose he has given back to his fellow PGA Brethren.

Good luck, Brian and may GOD SPEED as you go forward searching for more challenges to conquer!

Play Golf in Northeast Oregon

This week @ Buffalo Peak Golf Course in Union Oregon, golf should be great... highs in the mid 60's. Hunters, fishermen or travelers needing a break from you daily routines should take advantage of the weather and enjoy this challenging golf course!

Call 541-562-5527 or make your tee time @ Don't have your clubs? Rentals are available both right and left handed. Where else can two play golf for $60.00 with a cart?